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14 Aug 2024


Nano Electronics Stand: J52
  • NanoBlox
  • NanoBlox
NanoBlox NanoBlox

We Design It - We Build it - You own it.

Select from one of our pre built CAD models. These designs are proven and tested and allow us to quickly create your own bespoke product from these core building blocks. Similar applications will use a common technology - IoT for example - will take a sensor input, maybe add some edge processing and then store data or send to the cloud. Why have different customers paying someone to design the same thing. This is where off the shelf hardware modules came from, allowing for easy design of common functions.

But what happens when the module isn't quite right, there is a compromise, on space of functionality, or maybe the module becomes obsolete. NanoBlox takes this to the next stage, the module exists in the CAD system and can easily be modified to give customers exactly what they need, without having to pay for a full development. Instead only pay for the modifications - allowing for quicker time to market and reducing risk.

First three product designs will be :

AirBlox - Bluetooth LE Temperature Humidity Sensor

FlowBlox - Bluetooth LE Temperature air flow sensor

SoilBlox - Bluetooth LE Temperature soil sensor

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